Awards & Fellowships
Postdoctoral fellowship | State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), Greece, 2020
Postdoctoral fellowship | Research Committee of AUTh, Greece, 2016
Postdoctoral fellowship | Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Department of Atmospheric Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, 2014
Young researcher award | 1st price Hellenic Meteorological Society for presentation of the work: “An intense stratospheric intrusion event down to the ground surface in the Athens area”, at the 9th Conference of Meteorology-Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, 28-31 May, 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece
Advanced Google Analytics, Google | 2017
Unsupervised Deep Learning in Python, Udemy, | 2017
Cluster Analysis and Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python, Udemy | 2017
Modern Deep Learning in Python, Udemy | 2017
Data Science: Deep Learning in Python, Udemy | 2017
Data Science: Supervised Machine Learning in Python, Udemy | 2017
Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python, Udemy | 2017
Deep Learning Prerequisites: Linear Regression in Python, Udemy | 2017
The Analytics Edge, MIT, edX | 2017
Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, MIT, edX | 2016
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming using Python, MIT, edX | 2016
Other activities
Contributing author of the IPCC Working Group I (WGI) Sixth Assessment Report (Chapter 6: Short-lived Climate Forcers) | 2021 [url]
Scientific Article Reviewer at the Journals of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Geoscientific Model Development, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Climate, Science of Total Environment, Atmospheric Research, International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Advances in Meteorology, Remote Sensing, Atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres